What's your favorite candy? My favorite are Skittles but as a kid I loved Now & Later chews?!
Answers: I have a Skittles fetish. Especially the Purple ones. I could roll in bed with them all day as I munch their deliscious goodness.
um...EVERYTHING SUGUR-EY AND FRIUT FLOVARED but not grape yuck the grape flovored medicine as a kid scared me!! but my fav is starburst and skittles (taste the rainbow) now and l8rs r good 2
Jolly Ranchers.
Pete ("What the hell?")
junior mints or kissables - both taste good frozen
I love M&Ms and Hershey's. Also, Kit Kats are good.
I had an obsession with reeses peanut butter cups back in high school but now I'm a whopper (chocolate and strawberry) kinda girl
my favs are kisses, snickers, starbursts, and take fives!!!
A fetish? That's hot . . . ^___^
I like Now & Laters, but I very much love almost anything Peanut Butter.
sour gumi worms and those new Reese's whipped bars, they are kinda like a 3 musketeers.
BTW, I'm not a fan of eating the strawberry whoppers, but the smell is almost intoxicating, I love it when someone has a carton of them you can smell them across the office!
M&M, Skittles, Hersheys ans Snickers etc.
Anything "Dark Chocolate" especially with Almonds in it!!!
Now Fererro Rocher, as a kid, lik.m.aid.
caramel. I love it since I was 10. Now I am turning 17 in twelve days. And I still love it.
we call them sweets over here, the best are aniseed balls sour fizzy cola bottles, flying saucers with sherbet in them,black jacks ,apple sours & ruhbarb +custard