What's a good fruit to eat?!
Answers: I need some fruit to eat for curing a common cold, or any type of drinks.
i LOVE eating tangerines. ill eat like ten a day. or eat a fruit salad made out of all your favorites so you can eat all of them at once. strawberries, (in chocolate) celery (w/peanut butter and rasions) green apples (SOUR, yum) as you can tell, im a health food freak but i LOVE chocolate.
Orange juice always works. Try eating some tangerines, apples, pineapples, and mostly any fruit. Pomergranates are great too.
Drink orange juice, it always helps me when I have a cold!
Orange Juice, Ginger Ale, Chicken Noodle Soup, and Peaches.
I Dont Think A Fruit Can Cure Your Cold Lol What You Need Is Alot Of Hot Drinks, Hot Vimto, Cups Of Teas Etc. And No Fruit Is Better Than The Other There All Bout The Same When It Comes To Nuitrition.
Apples, bananas & freshly squeezed orange juice or pure cranberry juice.