Ice cubes....?!
Answers: Ok, so me and my husband normally dont fight but when we do it always seems to be something stupid. When ice cubes sit in the freezer for a while.. do they taste different? and why? I say they do... i love ice and lots of it but it has to be "fresh". My husband says ice tastes the same no matter how long it has been there. I Totally disagree with him... anyone else have an opinion?
if they are made in open trays yes they definately do
and thats why i use the bags you fill up and tie off, then you just pull off the ones you use at the time and the rest are sealed
these are great
and you can buy them in any supermarket
People in my household think it absorbs the flavour of the contents in the freezer. I disagree.
They get like a freezer burn (i guess that's how I would describe it) and it tastes bad.
its a good idea to make them out of bottled or filtered water, then they dont have a wierd taste like ones made from tap water sometimes can. but yeah, sometimes if the ice has been in a freezer for too long it has a wierd taste.
I have a new fridge now so this argument does not occur anymore but we used to fight about him putting empty trays in the freezer.
yes it does get freezer burned and become filled with bacteria from opening and closing your freezer and exposing them to different germs
Freezers were not made to be odor proof. Anything that absorbs smell will...and ice does. Will he drink a cup of water sitting in your counter top for a long time? Whatever was floating around is inside that cup.
I agree with you, I think that ice cubes can get "stale" and take on the flavor of other things in the freezer. My mom has a fridge with an automatic ice maker in it. She also keeps meats and dinners and things like that in the freezer. I can tell when she hasn't used any ice in awhile cuz the cubes on the top will taste gross! It is definitely OK to be picky and insist upon fresh ice. If your husband cant taste the difference, make him use the old ones and keep the fresh ones for yourself! :D
depend what u make the ice out of lol