How did they come up with the name of RootBeer????!
Answers: Hires almost named his new concoction "root tea." It was, after all, made of tea brewed from roots and herbs. But through a twist of fate, or perhaps just a clever marketing ploy, Hires was persuaded to switch the name to "root beer" to appeal to the large market of hard-drinking Pennsylvania miners. It was a decision that would prove wildly successful, making Hires a wealthy man while providing a major boost to the temperance movement, just gaining momentum in the mid-1800s.
Because the original "root beer" was actually a beverage made from the root of the "sasparilla vine" or sarsaparilla vine.
There for the name root beer,. The original brew had a alcohol content, thus, "beer"
Makes you think about what rootbeer really means, doesn't it? Explain the word "hel-lo".. hell/low? "Good morning"..good mourning? Does anyone else notice this....?