Anyone like the new flavor of Diet Dr Pepper?!
Answers: The new flavor is cherry chocolate Diet Dr Pepper.. does anyone like that? I know that berries and cream diet dr pepper is NOT a hit anywhere I know of.. so what do you think???
I love regular ol' dr. pepper
They made it perfectly so why do they insist of messing with it?? =D In fact, I reallllly want a diet dr pep right now!
I haven't seen that particular pepper yet, but I've hated all the other variations... bleh
I haven't even heard of that yet, let alone seen in anywhere. Just where is that available at? I love original diet Dr. Pepper.
They should just keep it normal, what's up with all the weird flavors of pop anyway? Caramel Pepsi? Berries and Cream Dr. Pepper? I like cherry pops, but they are taking this whole "designer drink" thing too far.
O YEAH it my fav.
i HATE the diet sodas and they keep putting out all these flavors that i really wanna try but i have to keep reminding myself that it is all a trick and they are just out to get me....:D
Yes, I like it now but can tell I will get sick of it.
I have drank Diet Dr. Pepper for years and still love it.
I hate the berries and cream Dr. Pepper. The regular Cherry Vanilla is ok once in awhile, but I still prefer the original.