So, who actually believes drinking "moderately" can add years to your life?!

Question: For the statisticians who formulated this lie. I have an enigma for them to solve; "There is no such thing as a moderate drinker. People drink to get drunk not to quench their thirst."

Inform me when the day comes that a cyclist like Lance Armstrong will grab a bottle of Jack Daniels out of his drink pouch when he gets parched.

Omg, Alcohol is so not healthy for you. It kills brain cells, reeks havoc on your kidneys, and gall bladder(That why you see so many middle-aged white folk living without gall bladders, LOL). It drains nutrients and basically turns you into a walking corpse. Yeah, I'll admit you see alot people walking around here for quite awhile doing the "booze diet" but that doesn't mean they're healthy. I'd rather die healthy at 70 than die sickly and disease ridden at 100.( but of course I'm gonna live forever) No, alcohol is BAD for you. Lets not turn this into the "egg debate" the media blew up on!!!!!!!!!

Answers: For the statisticians who formulated this lie. I have an enigma for them to solve; "There is no such thing as a moderate drinker. People drink to get drunk not to quench their thirst."

Inform me when the day comes that a cyclist like Lance Armstrong will grab a bottle of Jack Daniels out of his drink pouch when he gets parched.

Omg, Alcohol is so not healthy for you. It kills brain cells, reeks havoc on your kidneys, and gall bladder(That why you see so many middle-aged white folk living without gall bladders, LOL). It drains nutrients and basically turns you into a walking corpse. Yeah, I'll admit you see alot people walking around here for quite awhile doing the "booze diet" but that doesn't mean they're healthy. I'd rather die healthy at 70 than die sickly and disease ridden at 100.( but of course I'm gonna live forever) No, alcohol is BAD for you. Lets not turn this into the "egg debate" the media blew up on!!!!!!!!!

I think you are right. I drink four times a year. However, I do not think it is good for me at all. Yea. Maybe I should stop drinking all together.

i heard that red wine is really good for you :)

i think your misinterpreting it. if you drink a glass (8 ounces i think) of red wine a day its proven to help your heart stay healthy. ... not beer and hard alcohol. you may want to check your facts.

Drink some red wine each day. Live and be happy.

Well, I don't know about adding years, but I think it makes the years u have a little mellower

Dude, not everyone is OCD with the bottle.

Depends on the booze. Not everything is Jack or hard liquor.

You're an Alcoholic aren't you?

Studies have proven that people who drink a glass (as in one)of wine everyday with dinner are healthier than those who drank no alcohol at all.

Of course heavy drinkers were less healthy all around.

I don't drink to get drunk. I hate not feeling in completely in control of myself. I drink because I love the taste of certain drinks. Alcohol Nazi.

There ARE moderate drinkers out there, me being one of them and do you really think that atheletes don't have a beer once in a while? C'mon. Chill out. Just because you have had some bad experiences and can't control yourself doesn't everyone is this way.

No I know why you posted what you posted, I read your profile.

No this won't be a debate. This is called a /rant post and gets deleted just like the rest of them.

I doubt moderate drinking hurts, but i also doubt it adds years to your life...

I honestly believe that when its time for you to get old and LOOK old you will indeed LOOK OLD. I think that is just life. But i can say that drinking does screw up your insides to a certain extent. Its bad for your liver and i guess it could be just as bad for your outer appearance. But if a person is going to look old, Its going to happen REGARDLESS! ;-)

My grandmother, mother and I feel a glass of wine a day is actually good for you..

anything to excess is bad for you. Porition control is important.

I believe if you can have one drink of anything once a day, your not an alcoholic nor do I believe it's going to do anymore harm to you than medication that can effect your liver.

I think when people talk about moderation there more than likely talking about a glass of wine a day, which I've heard is some what healthy for you.

Yes, I agree........drinking in excess isn't good and can and will eventually be detramental to your health. Just like if you do anything in excess, such as eating.

You clearly have no medical background, have no understanding of the word "moderate," and I personally have had a beer with Lance Armstrong at an Austin fundraiser. He wouldn't drink apple juice in a race, either,, but apple juice is healthy - in moderation. Drink two gallons of apple juice a day and it wouldn't be healthy, either.

Here's the thing. People will always find an excuse to do what they want to do. They find something healthful in wine (which can also be found in grape juice). Do they drink the healthy grape juice? No, they drink the toxic wine.

It's as stupid as saying taking a hammer and whacking your head is as good a way (if not better) to fall asleep as getting in bed.

Here's an answer to people who use the argument "Well, a little won't hurt you, but a lot will." Three-fourths of people who drink for the first time become alchoholics. If a murderer killed three fourths of the people he came into contact with, would you be content letting him roam the streets?

And the asker is correct: I know, because I come from a medical family (Dad's a doctor, mom's a nurse, and half the adults in my extended family are doctors/nurses).

Europeans drink whine with a meal and it's not unhealthy. Just a small glass and no more. I don't drink but I know plenty of people who do and are fine. Also these people do drink moderately.

Sure if your drinking hard liquor every night everyone knows that's bad for you. And true pretty much anything in excess is bad for you. But moderately drinking isn't bad for you, as long as you limit your amount of the drink. The best drink to have alcohol wise is red wine. Red wine improves cardiovascular health. So it depends on how much, how often, and what your drinking to determine is your drinking is healthy or not. Yes it kills brain cells is you drink in excess, but what doctors and people in the health care field are trying to show that if you drink in proper amounts in moderation, it can be healthy.

You sound like you're on a crusade. A true believer. You like to preach.

I reject your premise because it is based on ignorance and stupidity, not research!

I think your posting is biased,there is such thing as a moderate drinker,i don't drink myself personally,but you can't judge every drinker by what you see/hear,you're gonna live forever???
You are the typical idiot who will probably not,another thing,you are a definate fool if you believe anything the media says,look at all the black folk that bring diseases into countries,that's a good debate worth having : )

As a non-drinker for the past few years, I have done a lot of reading on the American Medical Association's view on "moderate alcohol consumption". I recently sent an article to a family member who is a RAGING alcoholic but way in denial about it, and the article said that ONE drink per night is beneficial for heart health, but any more than that is horribly detrimental to one's health. I actually highlighted the part of the article that stated the size that constitutes ONE drink: a 1.5 oz shot of liquor, a 5 ounce glass of wine, or one 12 ounce beer. I did this because my family member claims that she drinks "only two martinis and one or two glasses of wine at night"... however, her idea of "one martini" is a rocks glass with two ice cubes FILLED to the top with gin, so it works out to probably 6 or 8 ounces of liquor per glass! And I've measured her wine glasses (which she also fills to the rim) and they hold 10 ounces each. Do the math, and this person is drinking anywhere from 13 to 16 times the recommended daily amount.
I quit drinking because it runs in my family and someone videotaped me when I was drunk and I saw how disgusting I was. Not falling down or puking, just the way I slurred my words, moved my body and my facial expressions. I recommend anyone who "wonders" if they have a drinking problem to do this! I also have friends who drink only one small glass of wine with dinner and never even get buzzed, so I do understand that for some people, it's a social habit that they believe enhances their food. For most though, I think it's more of a problem than they'll admit. Just my opinion and I realize I'm very passionate about it because of my sadness and frustration at seeing a beautiful woman killing herself. I think: If you "think" you might have a drinking problem, you most likely DO.

Moderation is always the key. Not all of us drink because we wish to get drunk, nor do I drink it to quench my thirst as you suggest Lance Armstrong might do. I enjoy a glass now and then, but one is plenty for me. My mother even has a perscription from her Doctor for 1/2 glass of red wine with dinner every night. Studies DO prove that a little wine will help your heart. How do you think the French eat all those cream sauces and not have constant heart attacks??

As for the religious aspect -
I found an interesting artcle that equates Jesus' turning water into wine with His teaching us that faith, not laws are what save us from sin.
"God sent Jesus to turn the water into wine for us, which Jesus did in the opening of the gospel of John at the marriage in Cana of Galilee (Jn. 2). This chapter is the key to understanding the figurative meaning of wine, because it describes what happens when we get saved, or when Jesus turns the water inside of us into wine.

Imagine you are one of the six stone jars standing there. God fills you up with water--you hear the gospel message and have some knowledge of the Bible. But when you get saved, He turns the water inside you into wine. It's "quickened" or made alive, like bubbly new wine. The wine makes severing Jesus motivating and joyful. And that's how you can get excited about the Bible which only a short time ago was dull and drab to you. God fills you to the brim with water so "your joy may be full" (Jn. 15:11).

What Jesus is also doing in this chapter is introducing salvation by faith. In the Old Testament, the Jews were saved by doing certain works as the Law of Moses directed, but they failed to obtain salvation that way. But now under the new covenant, God makes it easier and more personal for your sake, by giving you faith. God already counts you as righteous because you have faith in His Son. Son now our salvation no longer depends on works of the law (the water), but on faith (the wine). (Rom. 4:16; Gal. 3: Gal. 2:20, 21)

In turning your water into wine, Jesus is turning your belief into faith. You can know about Jesus all your life and believe in Him (have the water), but never come to be saved unless He turns the water into wine, or your belief into faith. The faith Jesus gives you motivates you to do something, to act upon your belief, and that is what pleases Him."
From the Lamb Ledger
September 1979, Vol. 2, no. 17

(and what the heck is an "egg debate" that rant about?)

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