Dose anyone know if?!
Answers: is choc chip muesli bars good for u or not
This is a very interesting web page that will give you a good answer to your question:
Down toward the bottom of the page, they give a list of the best kind of Muesli bars and Nice and Natural Choc Chip Muesli Bars are included. :))
its up to u
If it tastes good than "No"
If you dont eat 30 of them.
everything with chocolate is good for you! isnt it?
High in fat, high in carbs and VERY fattening. Much like most other junk foods.
Check the side of the box and see
Eat anything overmuch - not good! Eat everything moderately - next question/s!
ya its not good for your health and wealth..
found this site that gives y ou the nutritional values of various brands It should give you some kind of answer
if they taste good then they must be bad for you , if they taste horrid then they must be good for you
yes they are fine,there's not much chocolate in a choc chip museli bar anyway,any muesli bar is fine,if you're that worried,check out its sugar/fat content.