What do blueberries taste like raw?!
Answers: Sour, sweet?
Any time you are trying to explain what something taste like the answer is chicken.
not very good, sour.
well they tast like blueberries.
sweet and delicious, unless they are unripe in which case they are gross.
I like blueberries
i was dissapointed..but try freezing them...their good...:)
in contrast to your guidelines they taste sweet and sour.
like blueberries...u should try em... and than come tell us how u liked it...
Sweet and sour.they taste like raw blueberries.
a bit like blackberries, but not as sweet and usually people sweeten them or put them in cakes etc where they will become sweeter.
very good! but theres always a few sour ones in the pack...
skin is a bit dry, their taste is kind of dull, some of the squishy ones are sour-ish but generally semi-sweet with that hint of blueberry aftertaste but it's way more prevailant when baked.
yum delicious
there r many varieties of blueberries, some sweet, some sour, there is no answer 4 your question since not all blueberries r created alike
it honestly depends on where you get them from raw but a few can be sweet the ones higher actually are sweeter than the ones near the water
Some are very sweet, and some are sour. I find that the larger ones are the sweeter ones, while the small ones tend to be more sour. I love blueberries.
I'd say sweet. I like 'em. And they're so good for the brain and the whole body. I buy the frozen ones at any supermarket. Keep them in the fridge till their completely thawed, and put them in cereal, or just eat them. I like eating them one at a time with my fingers. But that's just me. I stand under a kitchen faucet of hot water and "dunk" Oreos. I know I'm nuts. But the Oreos don't know if they were dunked in tea or coffee. Why not hot water? LOL :D
its juicy and sour. =D
btw thanks for making me lvl3 with the 2 points :D
Very tart as far as I am concerned. I have only eaten a few like this because of it, preferring instead to get my blueberry fix on the hill....er, from muffins and pies.