My chicken started laying SQUARE eggs! HELP!?!

Question: Is it the rooster next door or do I feed it the wrong food? Who will ever buy the square eggs now? I want ROUND eggs! Bad chicken! ADVICE PLEASE!?

Answers: Is it the rooster next door or do I feed it the wrong food? Who will ever buy the square eggs now? I want ROUND eggs! Bad chicken! ADVICE PLEASE!?

Thats sounds odd. But if I were you I would get some kind of press action with that chicken. It could actually be a good thing for you in the future. Some people might actually want to buy those unusual eggs. I would also take it to a vet that is familiar with chickens. I would wait to see if she keeps laying her eggs square to make sure it wasnt a fluke. That way you can have a better chance to determine if the rooster that mated her might have defective sperm. But who knows some people might want to extract that gene that make square eggs to produce more and then you could make some good money from it. Like I said Who knows.

brilliant for sandwiches

What you complaining about, if i had a chicken that layed square eggs id be rich, thats a scientific marvel.

I think this is a great solution, nit a problem! Now eggs can be stored easily and safelyl withouth those annoying take up 1/2 the door space thingys to put them in!

Contact the press right now, you're going to be rich!

ouch poor chicken that must hurt

I bet that stings a bit!!!

sounds painful for the chicken!

Has your chicken been geneticlly modified?

nonono! this is good!!i'd buy a spaure egg!! you could sell them for quite alot actually, for egg-collectors (although i think that hobby is illegal now). if you want round eggs get a different chicken, but im sure epople would pay alot for a square-egg laying chicken!!

If your chicken is laying square eggs, she is no longer cool. You must buy her the latest Gucci bag and some high-end pumps to make her cool again. No more square eggs.

how convenient...Nobel Peace Prize to you!!

You are going to have problems. Where can you get square egg cups?

at least you wont have the problem of them rolling off the worktop ,and you wont need an egg cup as they wont roll over, result !!! its a good chicken

I wreckon you should look around on the Internet, and if you can't find anything, go to a farm and speak to someone there.

Good Luck!

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