I see It everywhere "Gluten free" but what does that mean?? What Is Gluten??!
Answers: I don't even know what catagory to put this In, so my apologies If I put It In the wrong place.
Gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye products and is the part that helps bind things together when baking and in sauces. The reason you see gluten free on products is that for a certain group of people who have celiac disease, gluten causes intestinal problems and from there other issues including cancer. 1 out of 133 people are estimated to have celiac disease and that is why you see products labeled gluten free so that this group can find viable substitutes for gluten containing products.
Gluten is a part of wheat and other grains. Usually it's healthy but some people have an intolerance to it called coeliac disease. Some people also think it may help people with autism to consume a diet free of gluten and dairy.
Gluten is a composite of the proteins gliadin and glutenin. These exist, conjoined with starch, in the endosperms of some grass-related grains, notably wheat, rye, and barley. Gliadin and glutenin comprise about 80% of the protein contained in wheat seed. Being insoluble in water, they can be purified by washing away the associated starch. Worldwide, gluten is an important source of nutritional protein, both in foods prepared directly from foods containing it, and as an additive to foods otherwise low in protein.
My niece is 5 and has Celiac Disease. She is intolerant to gluten, which is a component of wheat. If she consumes gluten what happens is the little villi in her small intestine get flattened down to the intestinal walls. These villi are there to catch nutrients as they pass like little floating fingers, but when they're flattened down (from eating foods with gluten) her body is unable to absorb any nutrients. Some people are just allergic to wheat, and in turn, gluten; but a wheat allergy and celiac disease are different. Hmm, what else can I tell you about it? More about gluten? Gluten is what's in wheat flours that gives them the ability to form elastic strands, in bread dough. This elasticity is part of what gives bread it's light, springy texture. I don't think they know why some people are intolerant to gluten, but I do know that Celiac disease is an incurable condition that you'll never grow out of.