How long will grilled chicken stay good for if refrigerated/frozen?!
Answers: I get grilled chicken for lunch at work and immediately put it in the work refrigerator (there is no freezer). Then, it rides home in my car for an hour and I put it in my home freezer. Approximately how long will it stay edible?
you need a small cooler for the ride to + from work , your chicken should last if properly wrapped for a month or so , but wont taste as good of course.if there is not that much left just eat it for breakfast in a burrito or on a salad for lunch tomorrow
Id say a week, maybe two.
wrap it well with newspaper before the long ride home, or get a cooler.
once you get it home, a few months, max, in the freezer.
5 days in the refrigerator and 3 months in deep freeze.