MARMITE..Love it or Hate it??!
If you love it, how is best to enjoy it???
Answers: personally i think it's the food of the gods. delicious.
If you love it, how is best to enjoy it???
hate it. when my wife eats it then asks for a kiss i gag at the taste of it on her lips.
I love it!! It tastes best when you spread it on toast
I love it and enjoy it on lightly buttered toast.
Love it, try it on toast with cream cheese mmmmmm
Love it.... mixed into mashed potato!!!!
hate it...tastes like spicy dog mess (I'm guessing...not that I have tried that...or have I ;)
On toast, layer of peanut butter on top, above that finely sliced onion
but when we were at university we used yeast extract to grow e.coli as it makes great food for viruses. so i will not eat it!
Neither! It honestly depends if I'm in the mood. Winter is a great time to have it, cause it warms you up with that tingly sensation it leaves. A piece of brown, malty toast coated in a thin layer of margerine, then a little marmite is heaven for breakfast on a snowy morning. It's also (strangely enough) great with cheese and crackers!
Best on buttered toast as an occasional treat (so much salt!).
hate it..
Hate it, it's the devil's food!
Best way to enjoy it is to stay well clear!
Sorry, can't stand the stuff.
I like the taste but prefer Vegemite as its not so sharp.
hate it,its discusting....
Food of the devil more like! My little brother used to eat it then chase me round the house trying to breath the noxious fumes over me. I called him 'The Marmite Monster'!
Love it! Especially with cheese and ham.
love the stuff to be honest - I have it with cucumber or grated cheese
On toast with cheese or baked beans or tomatoes;
With coleslaw in a sandwich;
On crusty bread or crisp breads;
As stock for soup;
As stock for lentil curry;
It's an essential for the store cupboard.
Hate it
Marmite on toast... or marmite sandwich ahhh yeee !
I like it but wouldn't go so far as saying I love it
Bruce from Oz here. Vegemite now that's the thing. Marmite well that's just takin' the raw prawn!
Hate it. Prefer BOVRIL, use same way, on toast sandwiches etc.
Hate it!
ummm, dunno....guess i need to get out more...what is marmite??? never heard of it... :)
HATE IT WITH A VENGEANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vile i hate it
Love it! cheese and Marmite sandwiches are delicious.
Not nice stuff :o(