I love ham and you?!
Answers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEvCGBRMN...
And that my friend, is exactly why I became vegetarian. I couldn't even watch the whole thing, it killed me inside to hear the screams and pain. I bet if more people knew about this they would think twice about having that ham sandwich tomorrow. Actually, any type of meat for that matter. It sickens me to see the way we treat these animals. It has to stop.
Link not working. I like tinned red salmon.
Thanks....it's good to be loved.
ham's amazing, but i like turkey hey, my my name's alex too!
I prefer bacon.
I dont eat it any more,poor pig.
I love the Heavenly Ham in Virginia.
Ham is awesome
nearly my favourite food
yeah its lovely ham and salad cream sandwich with toasted bread that combination is delisssss
I like pig.