What would the world be like without potato chips?!

Question: Just a stupid question.
any kind of answer will do.

Answers: Just a stupid question.
any kind of answer will do.

not so many fat people

The same as it is now...

i dunno id be hungry alot xD

There would be a lot less people with swollen ankles from too much sodium intake.

A lot thinner!

they would go out of business since I don't eat them!

The world would be a very miserable place without our crunchy crispy flavoured friends...

a sad...... sad world :(

My PepsiCo stock would not be as high.


Not good - I need my comfort food


It would be terrible...no potato chips? I can't bear the thought!

Time to unleash the a--kickulator!!! woobwoobwoobwoob!!!

well? you said any answer!
but, not much different, fast food is the fad now

The world without potato chips...
I think people would be thinner, because potato chips are extremly addicting.
But I think we would all have this strange feeling like something is missing in our lives. :)


Terrible! Why would you make such a statement! The world without chips? Horror of all horrors! I can't imagine what the world would be like without chips, but then again, I don't have any teeth yet so "WHERE'S MY BOTTLE"!

potato chips the fifth food group nothing better when you get the munchies old dutch ripples

hmm....well i'm sure some other kind of addictive junk food would be created

That depends. That means the world doesn't even have French Fries as well. In England, our potato chips are there french fries. And in also in England, American French Fries are England's crisps. So are you implying that the world would also be with out French Fries?

Come to think of it, I'd be sad if I didn't have my Sour Cream and Onion Lays.

i would die without my lays potato chips!!!!

how can you say these cruel things??

there would be no world
not for me anyway


It would probably be skinnier. You know you can't eat just one.

I Don,t know if you mean chips from the chippy,or chips like cheese-n-honion, see it,s so confusing,i,m not sure if i can answer this question. I,ll rest for a while,and turn it over,then maybe,just maybe,>>>>>>>>ZZZZZzzzzzz

I bit thinner but I wouldn't miss then much.

I'm sure people would be a lot thinner and healthier

A very cold, dark and sad place.

there would be a lot of unhappy football games with no potato chips. but there will still be lots of beer to make up for it.

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