Whether or not you eat meat, what is your honest gut feeling about it?!
Answers: Paul McCartney sez: "I never eat anything with a face..."
I used to eat it without a thought I even to enjoyed some particularly lamb, liver or rabbit pie on rare occasion.
I never liked beef much and stopped eating it in 91 after a TV programme about mad cows disease. When I stopped living at home it was convenient not to eat meat but I used to crave it, a bacon sandwich used to smell good until one one occasion, I had one, then some chicken! YUK! I just went right off the taste of meat. And didn't like the over farming culture using steroids and antibiotics.
If I think more about it I would have to stop drinking milk and eating cheese (fill in excuses here) I think people who eat meat should pay more for it so the animals are always comfortable even though there fate is sealed. Or eat more road kill and wild hamster.
However I still eat fish but its one of those things that are free range, so I am not too guilty ab, well a bit!
Who can look into a cows eyes and think of killing them for meat? We are mammals too.
People say they can't live with out it, I believe this is wrong in most cases, we all suit different diets yes! But Kidney beans make a good replacement because they are rich in iron and nutrients for blood nourishment/building, and helpful for Anemia.
Different foods have many healing properties and people should look them up, more pulses and tofu, I do believe.
I love meat. i couldn't be MORE of a carnivore.
it's natural, that's my feeling. don't forget people are still animals, we do what we are made too. look out your teeth, those are canines and incissors. have a burger baby!
meat is yummy. (;
Gut feeling is don't eat it.
But my taste buds disagree...
it's sickening, yet delicious
i need meat,,,,im a dog
its cruel if you think about it but it is the circle of life. my GF is a vegitarian.
uhh the fact that it could feel pain.
and think about eating muscle...like we have it too. sick
meat is delicious and vegetables taste bad
i'm a vegan, and paul puts it perfectly. yes i know we have been eating meat since "the stone ages" haven't we progressed from there?
I am a meat person. I like animals.
what about his ex hmmmmmmmmm
PETA= people eating tasty animals
i say if god wasn't born a man, what does it all mean to me.
i eat meat, but i think that harvesting living creatures i a bit cruel and unfair. they dont get a fighting chance.
I don't care about Paul McCartney or his opinions.
Paul MacCartney is a vegetarian? Not necessarly.
I love meat, fish, pork, poultry, seafood and they all had faces, but I dont eat the face...that is a fact. Me neither would eat any type of face.
Wether or not a singer or star likes or do something does not mean I will or will not do it, or I would be shaving my head, divorcing and marring my co-worker, going to court, making big scenes, going to jail in a pink dress...
Stars now about singing or acting, not necessary about the food I should eat, clothes I will wear, places I will go....
I have my own ideas built by experiences and research.
people naturally eat meat.. if you make the choice not to.. you risk health... tofu and soy just cant make up for the amount of protein you would loose if you didnt eat meat.. its not enough
I was a vegetarian for many years, but haven't been for the last five or six. I would love to get back to it though.
Don't eat it, never will. It is morally wrong. I won't support the cruel industry that produces it. Animals are defenceless and pure and they are our friends!
If we didn't eat animals, they would be multiplying and multiplying running around everywhere creating chaos..
PS: Roast beef is the bomb!
Although I get occasional cravings, I don't generally care for it. No ethical convictions, it just kind of turns my stomach to think about eating rotting flesh.
does not matter. you are going to die one day. and you wont even know it happend. so eat what you like.
I'm not a big fan of dead things in my gut.
Lots of these questions today...
If you can have a relationship with it then I won't eat it...And by that I mean me...I can't see myself being friends with a cow...But I can with a dog. And of course no eating endangered animals
i dont really mind. i dont like how animals are killed to be eaten by humans, but meat is part of our food group. without meat your not going to be healthy. either way, animals eat humans too. its not just humans being mean.
plus, dont you think you hurt the poor plant when you pull it out of the ground too??? idk i have just always felt bad for the plants too :'(
who said " live and let die" i know it wasn't Paul but thats my motto
I love meat and its face doesn't bother me. Most of us are too far from our food in this modern age. It is very rare for a person raised on a ranch to be a vegetarian and they all know the face of their meat!
Seriously, would you want to be chopped up randomly and eaten?
No I don't think animals are as intellegent or anything but *shrugs*. If they die naturally and are processed right away.. sure why the hell not. Most meat companies are actually cruel in the way they do it and a lot of companies also prefer younger meat.
Eh, do what you want though. I'm vegetarian and have been that way for 6 years. I don't lecture meat eaters though.
And he recently underwent angioplast surgery. So much for a healthy diet. He is now beginning to suffer the ill effects of not eating meat. A vegetarian diet is very hard on the heart muscle. We were meant to eat meat, and so what he never eats anything with a face..he doesn't mind wearing things made from things with faces does he.