For anyone who owns a senseo coffee pot, do you like it?!
Answers: And can you use other pods in it? Thanks. I just bought one and it will be here this week.
I consider it a good coffee maker. I like it that you can buy a part for it called "my pod" from Presto. it comes with 100 mini filters and says on the box that it fits senseo machines.
you put your own coffee in the filter and it saves you money the cheapest pods at walmart around 3.00$ for 18 to 20 pods. the my pod holder cost 10$ plus it allows you to decide how much coffee you want in it.
but for a single cup maker Senseo is good!
Yes. I love it. I use all kinds of different brands of pods.
I like that I can have whatever I feel - plain coffee, cappucino, tea, etc, without having to make a whole pot!
It produces a reasonably good cup FAST. You can load you're own coffee..