How do you choose a great kiwi fruit?!
Answers: What do you look for? Certain coloring? Lots of fuzz, no fuzz? I love to eat them, but I never know if I am buying a good one at the store.
Firm with just a little give to the flesh when pressed. If the skin looks wrinkled/loose, it is old and bad. The skin should be nice and tight. You want one that is heavy for its size and not bruised.
I like the firm ones. They dont go bad as quick. But not the super hard ones..maybe a little in between.
firm, but not hard usually means it's ripe or about a day away. never buy when they're real soft, that's over ripe and will be mushy. a healthy looking flesh is fuzzy but it doesn't have to have alot of fuzz to be a good fruit.
if it is smaller than your fist and and not to much fuzz than it is at its ripest and loaded with juice.