Why do they put an apple in a pigs mouth while roasting?!
Answers: To keep the pig's mouth open. When roasting, the heat forces the toxic intestinal gases out and the mouth needs to be open to help it vent. If the mouth is closed, the gases stay inside and seep into the pig. The apple works well because it is round and it doesn't burn up during the roasting process.
because they have a good sense of humor , i don't know why an apple versus a potato , maybe it's a garnish thing
The apple seems to be for decoration only. Perhaps at one time it was representative of wealth or opulence. Along with the apple in the mouth, cherries have sometimes been placed in the pig's eye-sockets.
It should be noted that the apple is inserted after the pig is cooked. If it were inserted before cooking, then by the time the pig was done, the apple would have long since turned to mush and dribbled away.
mayb so u look at the red or green delicious apple and not the eyez
The smell of pork is very strong and the apple is used to asborb the odor.
apple sauce for the pork....lol
apples are a classic french garnish for pork dishes. it is mainly for decoration
sorry, but i had to.
would'nt you want something to bite down on if your were getting something rammed through you. it's like bitting the bullet for pain.
Visual display was highly prized in old world French cooking.
They do that for presentation because when they roast it they do it like this:
Stuff the carcass loosely and skewer and lace the opening. Truss the forelegs and the hind legs forward separately and close under the body. Wipe the pig with a damp cloth, then brush generously with melted butter. With a sharp pointed knife, make a number of little slashes over the top of the pig to enable the fat to drip down into the roasting pan. Place a block of wood in the pig's mouth to brace it for the apple that will be inserted later.
Dress the pig on a large heated platter and remove the block of wood from its mouth, replacing it with a red apple. Garnish the platter with crisp watercress and rub the skin gently but thoroughly with a piece of butter folded in a thickness of cheesecloth until all the butter is used and the skin is shiny and crisp. Garnish with baked apples topped with a ring of cranberries. Put a cranberry necklace and earrings on the pig. Serve with cranberry sauce.
A bit over the top but it looks very appealing when served.
hope this helps. enjoy.