What are some good sodas without corn syrup?!
Answers: I'm sick of all this corn syrup in everything! I'd like to try some real sodas for a change, with SUGAR in them. Any recommendations? Thanks.
jones cane soda, Boylan cane soda of course there are the ibc sodas check your soda isle in a good grocery you can find some.
i dont think there are any....
Soda isn't healthy for you so drink 100 percent juice. your body will thank you for it.
there arent any
Coke 0
arent sugar n corn syrup tha same thing in sodas?? try ginger ale
Where I live (Philadelphia) they have a soda company called Jones. I think Jones soda is made with real sugar.
Costco was selling bottles of Coke Hecho en Mexico that have real sugar in them. They are good!
Jones Soda is the only National brand I know of.
That, son, is a contradiction.
There is no such thing as a soda without corn syrup.
Do yourself a favor -- start drinking water.
Interesting question. Looking down the questions I see where another is asking about Coke classic. The difference between classic and regular Coke is that The Old Coke was made with Sugar Cane Syrup and the new is made with corn. If you can find any sodas made with Sugar Cane sugar thew will taste better. DrPepper Bottles some from Dublin Texas. Coke made in Mexico has Cane sugar in it. Hope this helps