Where can I get boil in bag kippers without the butter in ?!

Question: My Dad loves kippers but hates the butter. He can't get fresh ones as often as he would like, but I can't find any frozen ones without the butter in. Has anyone seen any (in UK) ??

Answers: My Dad loves kippers but hates the butter. He can't get fresh ones as often as he would like, but I can't find any frozen ones without the butter in. Has anyone seen any (in UK) ??

You should be able to get some at your local Iceland!

I don't know about boil in the bag, but no butter.


They make "Boil in the Bag" Kippers?

Why has no-one told me this before? I'm off to the supermarket right now to look for them.

Kippers on Toast for breakfast...MMMMM.

Dont buy boil in the bag Kippers...
go to your fishmonger to get your kippers and you can choose how you want them cooked and served
PS the boil in the bag varieties are not always smoked properly but "smoke flavouring" is painted on the fish
(ie chemical smoked)

why boil in the bag kippers to buy when you can get fresh kippers that are already cooked from waitroses and they have no butter on them

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