What does cat taste like or dog i think they look slightly tastey?!
Answers: some one please answer i wana know before i hit up the pund
THEY SAID IT tastes like chicken
Okay, I seriously hope you're joking, because if not, you're sick. I think that you need to go to a psychiatrist and get some help.
Dog meat is eaten in a lot of countries. The taste depends on the way it is cooked.
I havent tasted it personally, but if you can eat beef, I see no reason why you cant eat other animals !
ummm eww lol, maybe its a preferred taste? I don't know personally but I hear it tastes like pork.
Vietnamese consider dog and cat a delicious treat.
As far as i know Vietnamese countries people they eat DOG / CAT , But not us. Do you, or have you, had? ever ?
Any animal can be eaten but if you like it. We Indian's eat goat meat. A Hindu never eat beef.