What kind of juice is better for you?!
Answers: v8
pineapple juice and apple mix with orange..
White Grape Juice (anti-oxidents galore)
anything fruity,also vegetable juice too.
Well I reccomend apple juice that has no sugars. It gves you energy. But, I think orange juice is going to help you with your mussles and impress the ladies.
I drink blueberry and pomegranate because they are high in antioxidants and good for the urinary tract.
Though most juices have their plusses and minuses, just avoid juices that are "cocktails" or have added sugars/corn syrup. That's more or less like drinking slightly-good-for-you soda.
I look for 100% juice on the label.
Pure Cranberry juice no additives. Exellent for the kidneys and urinary tract. (I don't like it but it is the best).
The kind with no sugars. They say 100 percent juice and are usually mostly apple juice flavored with other juices, but they're not full of high fructose corn syrup. I like my v8 and I'll definitely keep drinking it, but the salt is outrageous. Gotta be if you're drinking vegetables I suppose. Perhaps I 'could' try the low sodium one.
orange juice. 100% vitamin c in it.
Vitamin Water....packed with vitamins!
Pomegranate juice (that is, pure pomegranate juice with no added sugar). Chock full of antioxidants.
But I would avoid juice in general as it is high in sugar and spikes up your blood sugar level. Drinking a cup of juice on occasion is okay, but downing 2 or more cups at once (or on a daily basis) is not recommended.