Why does everything taste better on grill/bbq?!
Answers: i dunno if its called a grill but what im trying to say is those cooking things that are open flame and food is held by steel bars. anyways tell me why everything tastes better (and healthier!!!?!?!?) on grill/bbq. im guessing its the fat that drips onto fire and gets evaporated and "smokes" the food huh? tell me if im wrong!!!!
Wow EAGarcia!! You think alot!! haha....
i think pretty much you get the idea...when grease drips in and don't soak in.....and the taste that you taste...that is the burn off of the fire...
i love to grill/bbq.....
No idea why it does, but I must agree that it tastes amazing.
Probably due to the smoke coming from the wood of the fire adding amazing flavors.
It's the char-broil taste that comes from cooking on a open flame. It sears the meat and makes it good and juicy. I love grilled chicken, it's my favorite.