Does MSG really enhance the taste of food ?!
Thank you.
Answers: Does monosodium glutamate ( MSG ) really enhance the taste of food ?
Thank you.
MSG does enhance the taste of savory foods. The Japanese call it Umami or the "fifth sense of taste". It occurs naturally in breast milk and other foods in tiny amounts. 1992 Council of Scientific Affairs of the American Medical Association determined that MSG was not a significant health hazard to most people. A small percentage of people with tendencies to allergies or asthma can get "MSG syndrome" when eating it. MSG is used in the US in flavored potato chips, canned soups, frozen dinners, and fast food. As with any food additive including salt-MSG should be used in small amounts.
no its bad for you...real bad
If anything enhances the taste of food, it is Madison Square Garden (aka the only MSG that matters).
Yes it really does. Yes it is bad for you and even worse for you if your allergic to it. It can normally be found in Chinese food. Stuff really enhances the taste tho. OMG, SO much. I almost got sick off of eating so much because it was so good lol.
Yes it is,bad msg. are bad for the health
it's ground-up rat tails
MSG is taste soso, and its not that good for you. But many ppl love it anyway. Some ppl are alergic to it.
Yes it does but it not very good for you and many people get sick from it.
there's a contrary to using msg especially in america. they've advertised that msg kills and is harmful, but really, it's just like every other spice. american business owners deface msg because it isn't their product, or at least their msg is being won over by japan's product of ajinimoto. think about it, who uses msg? ans: mostly asians. who's the most healthy? ans: mostly asians. who lives the longest? ans: mostly asians. (just don't too much of it because like everything else, too much of anything is bad for you.)
i always order my Chinese food without it.. and the food taste the same.. and i dont retain as much water