Should Hugh be given the "balls of steel" award for his Chicken Run programme?!
I would like to award the first ever "balls of steel!!!" award to Hugh and his Irish sidekick.
Answers: What a top effort from a man who went out of his way to help the UK understand a problem that many didn't know existed!
I would like to award the first ever "balls of steel!!!" award to Hugh and his Irish sidekick.
He's great - and so full of passion on what he was doing. He didn't HAVE to go around the supermarkets and stand there talking to people on the street just to get back a load of ignorance in many cases. Good for him! We've gone free range in our house and we now buy all our meat from a local butcher (they only sell free range from local farms) so it's a double bonus. And all because of that programme.
I was sad to hear that the farmer that did the show with him has been threatened with not being able to work in the UK again because of his involvement in the programme - from other members of the poultry industry. Shows they got something to hide a bit doesn't it?
yeah totally agree with you!
He deserves a medal!
He has certainly converted me, I will only be buying free range from now on
i liked it and applaud him, but he misses the point that free range IS out of reach of many people....
He should have concentrated on making mass production better, rather than writing it off altogether...
The balls of steel award is given out on a tv show called balls of steel on C4 sorry it wouldnt be the first ever.
Agreed. How nice to see someone using their "celebrity" for the greater good!
YES he should, it takes guts to stand by your convictions in the face of adversity, well done Hugh
I really felt for him when the locals started saying that he was just trying to make money because it seemed to me that he would have made a loss on the whole experiment.
I've been buying FR eggs for ages now but will now also buy the meat FR.
The price is a concern but as Hugh showed, if you make the most of your chicken (stock etc) then it does work out.
Im with you. I sort of knew how it worked as I used to work in Food Production. We bought ducks and they are raised in a similar way.
He deserves an award for that program.
I was glued to all 3 episodes! NEVER again will I buy a cheap, mass produced chicken.
Can't wait now for Jamie Oliver tonight to add his weight to the argument!
I thought Hugh was Fantastic. I couldn't understand the people who couldn't take on board what he was trying to put across.I just think,if you can only afford to buy the nasty cheap chickens which cost two for a fiver, then don't buy chicken at all,have some mince instead, or even quorn! Or, buy one chicken which would cost you a couple of quid extra and make a meal with the scraps too.That woman too,who looked like she'd eaten forty chickens in one go,was supposed to have been supporting his cause, then got caught buying the two for a fiver offer! To me, she made herself look ridiculous. Well done Hugh, is all i have to say. Buy free range!
P.s, If people bought free range instead, and make more demand for it,the prices would go down, just like everything else we buy. So, we dont need to improve the conditions of mass produced birds, we need to get rid of them and ALL buy free range,thus, reducing prices.
hi,i missed hughs programme,is there a lionk where i can watch it?
I swear i will never buy a cheap chicken again!
I,m a single parent of two and have to budget, but I think its worth paying an extra couple of quid for a chicken that was once happy. I never knew chickens were treated so terrible.
I think there should be a law against it.
Yeah, he's a top bloke for doing all that stuff!
It was so funny when he got kicked out of Tesco!
I never thought about how chicken is produced until I saw his programmes. I buy free range from now on.
Watch tonights Jamie Oliver programme - channel 4 at 9pm about battery hens and chicken products in general.
I agree with you!