What is your opinion of Rachel Ray?!
Answers: Personally I can't stand her. I don't like her made up abbreviations that have somehow found their way into the latest edition of dictionaries and how she claims everything as her own even when it's not. I am also beyond sick of seeing her face on boxes of crackers and other stuff at the grocery.
I totally agree with you and im so glad to see someone else feels the same way i do!! People often talk about her and i tell them i am sick of her and they get a little defensive. I think the tv programs have been saturated with her and not to mention Dunkin Donuts commercials. I have heard that the real chefs on the Food Network don't consider her much of a cook either. I think she will have her year or two of fame and then most ppl will get sick of her too. That or she will be burning out soon, i hope!! Ugh!! I liked her in the beginning but now she is just on too much and im tired of her.
she doesnt make the show to impress you so build a bridge and get over it dont hate her cuz u aint her! u know u want to be on the cover of a cracker box!
She's overexposed and overrated. I'm so over her already.
It's super annoying to watch her on TV, but I like her recipes and her magazine.
The simplest answer I can tell you is that not everyone dislikes her. She has personality, she is fresh, and she cooks great looking food. I personally (if you couldn't tell) like her. She has spunk, and she is your everyday normal girl that made it big by doing something that no one else was doing. If you don't like her, it's ok, there are millions that do like her. That is why she has her talk show, because so many like her. If they didn't her show wouldn't have made it to the second season. (shrug)
She is a motormouth, acts like a child and is being shoved down the throats of the Food network watchers. I can't stand her & have never liked her .
I love her! She's one of my favorite celebrity chefs, she's a bit overrated, and perky, but I think in the end she's pretty cool. I love her $40 a day show, it's pretty helpful and in general I like her.
I love her voice, it's a perfect fit for that type of show. I just hope she keeps bottles of water underneath the cabinet so she can take sips during commercials because she IS a lip flapper for sure!