What's better M&M'S or Smarties?!
Answers: m&m's cuz smarties taste like chalk
smarties, cos only smarties have the answer
they are both the same. almost in everyway, in colour, and taste, but may vary in size.
I like M&M's
M&M'S Hands down! Never pass on chocolate!
smarties all the way!
M+M's forever and beyond even though they're turning evil.
Let me guess, you are a Canadian. I like Smarties too
m&m's coz they have all different ones like penut, chocolate, crunchie but i do like smarties apart from they banned blue one =( x
The Blue And Green Ones! =]
M&M's deffinantly taste better!
I don't like smarties, but M&Ms are definately good when I need some extra caffeine to stay awake and study!!!
M&M's R way better! Chocolate should never be turned down!!
M&M's all the way
M & M 's..........................
well if your talking about the smarties in america.......theyre are sour and delicious and i have been eating them since i was a little kid in the early 70's.....and still love em!
m&ms for life