Imagine every time you went to eat a bite of your food and all you could hear is that Marks & Spencers tune?!
Answers: This isn't just any old beans on toast, this is farm assured wholemeal loaf with a smattering of finest british reared i'm
this isnt just any old question this is a slow ,matured,British,home grown Marks & Spencer question!!
I liked the adverts taking the squizz.. Tetley and Aldi lol..
haha. i would hate that. the adverts are so cheesy!!
I do hear it all the time ,Help I am brainwashed ,I took a yogurt to my daughters house ,I said this isent any old yogurt This is a Marks and Spencers Blueberry yogurt ,
Ha! Ha! Me and my husband do this a lot especially when we are a bit bored,like going up the escalators on the tube. "Tjis isn't any old escalator,this is a marks and Spencer's escalator"!!