I want to buy a free range chicken from the farm it was raised, B'ham?!
Answers: I'll kill it if necessary just want to know where it comes from before i hand over a tenner ,having a fancy label convinces me of nothing. if i'm paying the premium i want to see the proof, i will not buy an expensive chicken from a shop,and that goes for farm shops also who have bought the supposed free ranger in from a local farm,unless i know where it has come from , i've googled my area but cannot find a much.
The chicken programmes worked wonders Steve, I went shopping last night to Morrisons, not a free range chicken in sight, we nipped in to Asda on the way home, they were sold out of free range chicken as well, well done Hugh!
You'll need to ask Hugh F W if you're going to be so cynical about farm shops.
Look up Farmers in Yell.com You may have to make a couple of calls but they can tell you.
Happy eating.
Go to your local feed store at that time of the year (spring) buy some chicks.
Have you ever fed a chick, kept it warm waited for it to grow up, chopped off the head , plucked it (which is real fun...NOT), chopped it up for your dinner table? Cleaning of course all the feathers up and the blood (you do have to drain the blood out), and discarding all this.
Or is this just some kind of whim you are on wanting to do at this time?
It costs way more to raise your own chickens but it does taste better. When that is you do not get attached to the stupid thing you raised from a chick LOL!! Chickens are smarter then people think and get attached to you as much as you to them.
Good luck
so you will buy free range eggs on trust of the label but not the chicken?
you have obviously been watching HFW on tv and so know what to look for when buying a free range chicken, the visible differences are very apparent so you should have few if any problems, Birmingham isnt exactly famous for its green & luscious pastures and i think you will be hard pushed to find local produce at source
I know Birmingham VERY well as i lived there for 8 years and I am also very familiar with the surrounding countryside as I fished all over the place every week, but as you yourself pointed out you searched and couldnt find much
I also assumed that if you were aware of surrounding farms in say Warwickshire for example then you wouldnt be here asking for help