Food question: Is eating bangers unhealthy?!
Answers: I assume bangers are like our USA "bratwurst" (Mostly a Wisconsin sausage). They have quite a bit of fat and sodium, but we make them homemade. My husband and I buy the whole pork butts and grind them ourselves, add lots of yummy seaonings and stuff them into sausage casings. Very low fat, no preservatives and delicious! I will look in my sausage book for a recipe for bangers...meanwhile enjoy them but don't over-indulge!
They have a lot of fat in them, I either boil, bake or grill them.
bangers are sausages right? well apart from the fat in them already, they still have to fry them to cook them. i would think they're unhealthy.
Yes they are very unhealthy try them in soy or boca Veggie
if that is all you eat then yeah
they can be unhealthy
the same can be said about anything
Moderation in all things
and watch your cooking technique!!
Eat ones made from turkey meat and the fat content is cut by almost 2/3s !
Everything in moderation - too much of anything is bad for you. But especially bangers (sausages, right?) because they contain a lot of salt, which can raise your blood cholesterol and increse your risk of heart disease. But they can be good for you because they contain protein, which is essential. They're also really fatty, another way to increse cholesterol.
Still, if you like them you can still have them. Eating them now and again isn't likely to kill you, plus they taste really good :)
Bangers, hot dogs, frankfurters, what ever you call them are usually loaded with fat, up to 33%. Also they're stuffed with meat that isn't fit for anything else.
Don't mean they don't taste good though, I usually grill them making sure to split the casing so most of the fat runs out.
They contain all the eyelids and arseholes from this bloke but there're right banging!
lots of fat and salt, especially in the pork variety. If possible, look for chicken or turkey versions.
However, everything in moderation will give you a good, rounded diet. There's nothing wrong with having bangers now and then as a special treat.
If you're in prison, i'm afraid you won't have much choice.
^ ^ ^ ^ ?
Sure they are. You know that though.
Well I for one, (seems like everyone else has well) am not falling for it.
There is nothing that tastes better when added to eggs, bacon, beans, and mash for a great unhealthy English breakfast.
yum yum.
sheila g is right loosey, don't go to jail. there are a lot of gangs there. very unhealthy.