If you were about the size of a bat what would be the easiest way to enter your home ?!
vell i vant say.
Answers: u vant to sux my blud don ya?
vell i vant say.
A bat would have to knock on my door and ask to come in because not even a mosquito can get into my home!
Well, since bats can squeeze their bodies into very tight spaces (1/2 of an inch), there would be quite a few places. Generally attics or roofs or anywhere with an incomplete seal. Any sort of ventilation that opens to the outside really.
lmao... what a great question! I guess I'd look for an open window, but if I was the size of a bat, how could I climb up to the window... and will I have wings? I'm not even sure there would be a way into my house! But if I did have wings, yes through an open window, if there isn't one available, I would have to look for an opening in the roof.
The door cause everything else is closed up tight for winter
Gosh, now you're making me paranoid..
What kind of bat are you talking about here?