What are the holes in swiss cheese called?!
Answers: A question came on the radio the other day. Unfortunately I wasn't listening long enough to hear the answer. Apparently the holes in swiss cheese have an official name. What are they called?
They are properly called "eyes." In fact, if there are no holes, it's called "blind" Swiss Cheese.
Dear Miss Vira,
The official answer is: "Holes"
Take care,
Robert S.
They are officially called "eyes".
The official name is "EYES" and if they don't have "eyes" or holes the cheese is called blind.
The technical name for the holes in Swiss cheese is called "eyes." I learned this just recently.
the holes in the cheese are not officially "holes" like many think they are called eyes and if the cheese does not have eyes then the swiss cheese is called blind swiss cheese.
O_o since when did the swiss cheese's holes have names.?
oh hmmm.lets see. oh hoh this is Maddie and this is irene and and this over here is matt and this one is simon....
They are called eyes and they say the bigger the eyes the better the cheese is. Not sure if that really is true but I agree with it.