What is the manliest fruit or vegetable?!
Answers: Habenaro peppers! If you can eat one bite and not cry like a baby you are a man!
Bananas. Real men eat bananas.
banana lol
"Manly fruit" is an oxymoron.
The banana???
That is a really good question..... I guess that I would say spinach because Popeye ate it to grow gigantic muscles by eatinhg just one can full!
I never knew fruits or veggies could be manly.
umm, carrots?
Hands down answers...a banana / plantain
A potato. Men love their MEAT and potatoes
A giant falic cucumber.
egg plant because thats what men do.They plant their seed in a womans egg.
a dirty potatoe
but you have to eat it like a man too. uncooked! and rarr take a bite like your eating a peice of meat.
take 2 fuzzy peaches put them next to each other & then put a banana infront, thats the manliest fruit youll ever find
.Dorian. If he can eat that fruit, then he's Manly
bananas with kiwi!
zucchini and kiwi