What do you really like to eat right now?!
they dont have anything here.
no taco bell no corn dogs no mac n cheese no pork n beans no root beer no bologna no in n out no nuthing. i hate this place. im starvin now haha
Answers: hmm....id love sum root beer and a corn dog but because i live in stupid ireland i dont see that happenin.
they dont have anything here.
no taco bell no corn dogs no mac n cheese no pork n beans no root beer no bologna no in n out no nuthing. i hate this place. im starvin now haha
A nice chef salad with veges, ham, turkey and cheese.
Hot veggie soup
I just ate taco bell, so nothing sounds good right now.
Egg Fu Young. If thats how its spelled. Or fried eggs. Half runny yolk/half hard yolk.
I would really love a huge cheeseburger with bacon and curly fries but I am trying to eat healthy so I am having a granola bar instead :(
I haven't eaten yet so just about anything sounds good - like pizza.
I will tucking into a nice roast chicken dinner in about 30 minutes! :)
mmmmmm..i would love to eat some newyork cheescake god its soo good that whenever i eat them i feel so delicious(literrally) ROFL.
i also want to eat lasagna.that wonderful cheese and pasta..
*kisses the guy hu invented pasta and cheese* ROFL.
also my moms cookin shes cookin lunch for us now.grilled chicken with lemon-honey glaze and brocolli-shrimp angel pasta :D:D
happi' eatingg
I wnat some more of my vegetable soup that I made, but I froze the rest of it and it would take too long to thaw it out, so I am eating cereal (no thawing needed)
I had baked fish earlier. Now I'm making a batch of navy bean soup.