What do the numbers on top of fresh ground turkey packages mean?!
Answers: The one I bought today is 93/7.Something to do with the fat content?
Yes it does. For example you specified 93/7. That means the meat in the package is 93 percent lean quality meat ground with 7percent fat. When they grind turkey (as well with other meats too) meat they have to blend it with a binding agent, usually a fat of some sort. Because turkey meat is so lean it is typically mixed and ground with pork fat to help hold the ground meat together. due to its leanness , if you were to grind it on its own it would not hold together to create the grind that butchers are looking for. its typically the same idea used when you make meatloaf...almost all recipes contain egg or breadcrumbs as a binding agent to help thicken and hold the meat together and achieve the consistency desired.