Why do people always say that things "taste like chicken"?!
Pigeon "tastes like chicken"
Why chicken?
Answers: Snails "taste like chicken"
Pigeon "tastes like chicken"
Why chicken?
I believe it is due to the fact that chicken is not only one of the most popular ingredients we cook with, it is also one of the most versatile. Therefore, as they have tasted chicken cooked in so many different fashions, there is most likely to be something there they can associate pigeon or whatever it may be with.
Check the link below for a better idea of what I mean:
But they don't say it when in a KFC
because chicken doesnt have as distincitve taste as beef or lamb and is very versatile and goes with everything which changes the taste.
Why not - snails taste like calliflower would just be weird!
Because not everything can taste of carrots
it seems nowadays its a figure of speech saying that it tatses like something good they have eaten...
Since Snails dont taste like chicken and other things like that i would assume itd be a figure of speech.
Because it's al foul? ... (Fowl)
it is chew-e like chicken
i love alligator meat bites are chew-e like chicken
snake meat same way -chew-e like chicken
octopus my favorite chew-e like chicken
I don't know...but,it makes no sense........frog legs taste like chicken...rabbit tastes like chicken...........quail tastes like chicken ...........lol
would you want them to say poop?
Yeah! and how do they know that humans taste of pork?????
I've heard that even cannibals say that.
Probably has something to do with the color of the meat
because most people eat chicken so its the first choice they would think of when describing something
Don't know, but it never tastes like chicken to me.