Are eggs better kept in the cupboard or in the fridge?!
Yes, once an egg has been opened and not used immediately, or after they have been cooked and not used immediately, they need refrigerated, but unopened eggs, welll I always keep them in the box outside the fridge. I've never died yet! Or had salmonella or any other nasty.
So, keep the eggs in the cupboard.
Answers: That is a good question! However, eggs should be at room temp before you start cooking them, when you go shopping for eggs, you never find them in the refrigerated dept in the supermarket/shop. They are always on the shelves at room temp. So, going by that theory, why would you get the eggs from an unrefrigerated part of the shop then put them in the fridge at home?
Yes, once an egg has been opened and not used immediately, or after they have been cooked and not used immediately, they need refrigerated, but unopened eggs, welll I always keep them in the box outside the fridge. I've never died yet! Or had salmonella or any other nasty.
So, keep the eggs in the cupboard.
cupboard according to food experts!
Neither! In a box under a hen is the preferable option
fridge, when you buy them from the store they are cold so I say keep them that way
FRIDGE, if you want to live, that is.
Keep them in the fridge, but get them out in plenty of time, so they warm up a little before cooking with them,
Top shelf of the fridge.
The fridge unless you want salmonella poisoning.
eww... cupboard... they will spoil... fridge.
I keep them in the fridge. Not sure if that is better but that is what I do and I have never had a problem with eggs.
fridge they will go bad
Tips for Storing Fresh Eggs
* Keep eggs refrigerated at 45°F (4°C) or lower at all times.
* Keep eggs in the main body of the fridge (not the door). This will keep them at a more constant, colder temperature.
*** Don’t keep eggs out of the refrigerator. An egg stored in refrigeration for one week will be fresher than one stored at room temperature for just one day! ***
fridge man, things stay fresh in the refrigerator
I have wnd will probably always keep mine chilled
keep those suckers cold
unless you want rotten eggs the fridge...
Funny you should ask that, a shopkeeper told me the other day that your meant to keep them out of the fridge .
We have always kept ours cool on the work top, if left in the fridge they crack easily when boiled also take longer too.
In the Hen would be best. Eggs are disgusting.
i don't know but i put mine in the fridge
Not the Fridge according to all the experts.
I never keep them in a fridge and i have never had a problem.
The fridge definitely.. Eggs will grow bacteria if they drop below room temperature for a long period of time. Any health inspector will tell you this.
according to food experts eggs should always be used at room temperature - so if you keep them in a fridge take them out for a while before you use them, alternatively keep them in a cupboard and use by the USE BY date. Hint: do you ever see eggs kept in refrigerators in the grocery shop - no!
EDIT - Just realised that in different climates there are different habits lol. I have never ever seens eggs anywhere except the ordinary shelves in Sainburys, Tescos etc - but then I am living in England where the temperature is never extreme.
You should never keep them in the fridge, i keep mine on the kitchen top in a bowl.....
Depends on how long you are going to keep them and what type of climate you live in. I keep mine in the fridge but if I'm using eggs that day I take them out of the fridge. My grandparents didn't have a fridge or an icebox and they were never refrigerated and no one ever got sick. My parents had an icebox. I have a fridge & I use it.
In our supermarkets the eggs are always in coolers in the dairy section.
for the people saying fridge or you will get poisoning, you are very silly , they sell them on the shelf in the supermarket! But its up to you , if you are baking however, its best they are kept at room temp. x
Eggs you buy in the store can be up to a month old by the time you get them.
The best place for them is the fridge, where they will rot slowest.
If your going to use them with in a few days of laying than sure keep them on the counter but not mass produced eggs.
LOL @ some of the responses but I say fridge although it's always best to bake with room temp. eggs... In that case just put them out a few hrs before you use them. :)
my personnel opinion they are better and should be kept in the fridge, but everyone has there one way.
eggs sudnt be too cold and not to warm so the best place is in a bowl on the kitchen window ledge.
the fridge. thats how you buy them at the store, so why would you bring them home and keep them in the cupboard? they would probably go bad if you did. ew then your house would stink. yuck