Have you ever tried unique fruit?!
Answers: I tried a new fruit this evening. It was yellow, odd shaped and called unique fruit. Very citrus taste. Does anyone know anything about this fruit or where I could find some more information about it? I thought it was really tasty!
I just had it for breakfast. I think it tastes like sweeter grapefruit. It's a cross between a mandarin orange and a grapefruit, and it's native to Jamaica
It is not the same thing as star fruit- star fruit is actually shaped like a star and it's biologically a type of berry.
Here are links for both "Uniq" or "ugli" fruit (the spelling is not a mistake)
and for star fruit
I have heard of it, and heard it was extremely expensive.
I like Gold Kiwifruit.
Below is a link for information about Star Fruit. I have enjoyed it a few times. It's becoming more popular in the US. There are lots mor web links out there including facts or recipes, etc.
I'm glad you enjoyed your "unique fruit" - I'd never heard it referred to as that, but it works for a few more years!
Ugli fruit are grown in Jamaca. It's a hybrid of grapefruit, sour orange and tangerine. Best way to eat them is to peel them, or at least that's what I do.
Star fruit (carambola) is a totally different fruit. You can find it and Ugli fruit in the link below.
I love star fruit. I haven't had it in a long time. I think I'll look for it again. Thanks for the memory!
Hi I am from Indonesia. Star Fruit grows in the tropic. Besides yellow, it has other colours too, red, orange, green and whittish. I has a lot of vitamin c and helps for rehydration. Price wise it is very very cheap. $ 1 cent each depending on the size.
It is called BELIMBING in Indonesian and Malay.
YES! My friend (who is on this site, I will give you credit, Becky!) and I were in Hawaii and she and her mom bought this fruit called a rambutan. (Spelling?)
It's red-ish burgundy and fuzzy-looking, with this slimy white stuff on the inside that you eat. It's really good! A little slithery down your throat, but very sweet and good!