Why Orange Juice?? Am I The Only One?!
Answers: I've come to realize that every single time I drink Orange Juice, I kinda wig-out and get extremely playful and really outgoing with my husband. It's almost like I'm on a mild drug. Does this happen to anyone else? Do you know why?
I'm not sure how exited you get but ever time I drink orange juice I have lots of energy and I have found out the why.
Well is the fructose and potassium
Fructose is in fruit juices, honey, and nectar of plant glands but also is one of the three most important blood sugars along with glucose and glucose.
Potassium is found in many foods. Fruit and vegetables are especially valuable sources of potassium. Optimal levels of potassium in the blood help to strengthen arteries and many other things.
So, fructose and potassium affect your blood, or make increase your ..."your adrenaline"
Some people say because the vitamin C, but vitamin C is a critical component of both disease prevention and body building processes-so it doesn't do anything to your blood.
Now, I just bought some orange juice you don't mind if i go to take care some business (with my honey of cause).
.....did you say you gonna do the same thing....?
I think it's probably because of all the sugar.
Maybe it's the sugar content.
only if it's tropicana...lol.
I heard somewhere orange juice can make you happy temporary, it was in an encyclopedia I found. It's got something to do with the brain too.
I know it's loaded with potasium, maby it's give's you a boost, it dose not happen to me l.o.l. your lucky, lady!!!!! maby the vit. C? well have a very orangie day! and here's to your health!!!
maybe the orange contains vodka ??
it's not the orange juice, its the Grey Goose you put in with it ;-)