When I think of natural spring water, is this what you picture?!
is it really what i picture a natural spring to be?
Answers: a beautiful fountain of water coming out of the earth, elegantly lit with the sun coming through the trees, a few birds chirping in the background, with precious rocks surrounding the spring and naturally filtering the water that tastes so good by the time it reaches the consumer.
is it really what i picture a natural spring to be?
I was raised at at ski resort that had their own natural spring water and there was no comparison between it and what is sold on the market. In that case, it really did come the setting you are describing.
It took me the longest time to realize that what is sold on the market obviously comes from a different source, even though the marketers want you to believe otherwise. At least to me, many of them don't taste any different from bottled tap water which is what purified water is.
I guess I was spoiled by the truly fresh mountain spring water that I haven't had anything to this day that even comes close to it.
NO most natural springs are in caves or they look like a regular small lake. The water companies want you to think that this way you buy more water. Well water is better for you any way It has natural vitamins and does not cost as much to buy. ITS FREE and think of all the bottles you save.
well of course it is , there's also little fairies flitting about and yearling fawns nibbling at sweet young grass ,
No, a natural spring is a point where groundwater flows out of the ground, and is thus where the aquifer surface meets the ground surface. An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock or unconsolidated materials (gravel, sand, silt, or clay) from which groundwater can be usefully extracted using a water well. Its nothing as special as you envisioned.
not exactly. i am from west virginia and when i think of spring water, i think of water coming out of the mountainside right under the roots a big tree... forming a big puddle, (if you will) so that you can just squat down and take a drink directly from it. There is a couple places like that close to my house.
I know that "natural spring water" out of a bottle tastes nothing like NATURAL SPRING WATER from a real spring.
No, I just see a puddle of water on the ground. There are no trees, for miles away. There is green grass, but no rocks anywhere. When I picture something like this, i can not hear anything, it is just dead silence. There are birds hanging out by the spring. I can see the trees that is far away moving in the breeze.
Man, I hate global warming.
Aaawww, it's just filtered tap water.
i picture me floating on top of the water w/ me, my sister, my man, and my best friend only left in the world