I've been having alot of dried bananas and pineapple lately... are they good for you?!
Answers: What are the benefits and disadvantages?
I love dried pineapple
some has tons of sugar as other people have said
many also have like sulphur dioxide or something to preserve
but the advantages include tons of fiber and most nutrients are retained in them as in the original fruit
the pros outway the cons
keep eating that dried fruit!! just check for the ones with no sugar
Somebody told me that they are very high in calories.
of course!!
I hope they aren't the kind with extra sugar added. Those just add unnecessary calories.
I think a lot of dried fruit has sugars added and also some have additives as preservative so eating too much is probably not a good thing . Notlike eating fresh!
Dried fruit is good because it's really convenient and has some of the nutrients of regular fruit..but most brands usually have a lot of added sugar which makes them unhealthy. Undried fruit is definitely more beneficial, but you don't have to stop eating dried stuff- just make sure you chose brands that have a low sugar content =]
lots of carbs but great otherwise
Dried banannas are usually fried and therefore very fatty. Your fingers probably feel greasy when you're done eating them - they're not a whole lot different than fried potato chips.
Most dried pineapple is covered in extra sugar, which makes it have tons of extra calories. Plus, you eat a lot more since there isn't water in the fruit to help fill your stomach.
You are getting lots of sugar. It may be somewhat purer or healthier than candy. But it is putting a great deal of sugar in your blood stream. That could have longterm health ramifications.
They are not only good for you, I can't think of any disadvantages.
if there is no added sugar...its very healthy...they give u lots of energy and lots of vitamins! runners eat them as snacks to fuel their running and endurance...its healthy so keep eating it!