Junk food production and the American economy.?!
Answers: I recently read that vast quantities of corn production is subsidised by the government and then turned into corn syrup which is the main ingredients of donuts, cakes and other "junky" processed food. This means junk food is made cheap for consumers and this is one of the things that keeps the economy functioning. Americans are also encouraged to buy junk food and the servings are really large. Junk food is also cheaper than fresh fruit and vegetables which are more expensive to produce. Is there some truth in this?
Well, I know that junk food is definitely less than fresh fruit and vegetables. Grapes are $5 a pound- so I spend ten dollars a week just on that alone. Tomatoes are $3.50 a pound (for decent ones) and they are not the main ingredient. Onions are also ridiculously high. I know if I make a taco at home- I'll spend a whole lot more than if I went thru the drive-thru at taco bell. Snack wise- a bag of chips or sweets (cakes, cookies, donuts) cost less than a serving of most fruits.