Why is there no meat in mince meat pie?!
Answers: That's not true. Only american version has no meat. Although some claim that since the term meat also applies to the textured part of citrus fruits (the innards) that it comes from some description of fruit pies. Really the inventors of minced meat pie, those crazy English, actually eat minced meats. And it's not very good IMO. Although I think even they have gotten into the habit of just eating the confectioner version with raisins walnuts and dates instead of pork, lamb and mutton.
thats the way it was made
Same reason why there is no egg in an eggplant or a ham in hamburger?
For the same reason there are no plums in plum pudding!
mincemeat used to always contain meat so it just depends on the mincemeat
It used to contain meat in Victorian times. No longer though. Kept the name and tossed the meat.
Come to New Zealand, we have real mince pies.
lol..i dont know..but i sure do miss them..you cant get them here in florida...yum yum..can you send me some...ANYBODYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
I've never heard of it.
there is-rat meat.
ummm....it is made with meat
When it originated, it did have meat in it. Mincemeat pie has evolved since the olden days.
Here is a snippet from the web:
The origins of the mince pie begins with the medieval pastry, chewette which was either fried or baked. The "chewette" actually contained liver or chopped meat mixed with boiled eggs and ginger. Dried fruit and sweet ingredients would be added to the chewette's filling for variety.
Why do we park in driveways and drive on parkways? :)
Mincemeat is actually a method of preserving food.
Check here for a description of how it's done:
There used to be. Now it is made from nuts & whatever. The liquor was to preserve it.
try looking up 'old fashioned' mince meat pie ....there used to be meat in the pie!
THERE ISNT!!!??????/
There should be meat, maybe the place you been
buying it, or the company must be adding very less
or no meat.