Storing eggs outside of a refrigerator?!
Answers: We may be on a boat for an extended amount of time with no refrigeration. Does anyone know how to store eggs without a fridge? I have heard covering them with vasoline to keep the air from entering the shells will work. Sounds rather unappealing, any ideas?
If you can find some eggs direct from a farm that have NEVER been refrigerated you can keep those out of the fridge. Once they have been refrigerated you have to keep them that way.
before refrigeration, farmers would store eggs in glycerin. that is available in the pharmacy
Ever walk thru Costco? For years, the farm fresh eggs were always stacked outside the refrig section. So they last quite some time out side the refrig.
it will make the house smell eventually depending on how long you live them out
Yes, like some of our friend said...Farm eggs, fresh farm eggs can stay at room temperature for weeks.
Eggs do need to be refrigerated at a temp of 45 degrees or colder. So maybe stick them in a cooler with ice. But it depends on how long your planning on keeping them out. In bakeries they leave the eggs out so that they get to room temp. because it's better for baking with. And I'm know a lot of times they stay out for at least 3 hours or more. So they might be ok for a 3 hour tour ; )