Is the ground beef in my fridge any good?!
I bought it. It is in the saran wrap and a plastic bag.
Can I still use it tonight? What are the rules on this
sort of thing. I am just beginning to learn how to
cook. Thanks a bunch!
Answers: I bought some ground beef on Monday night and only used a little. Forgot to put it in the freezer and it is Wednesday afternoon. Looks a little brown versus red like when
I bought it. It is in the saran wrap and a plastic bag.
Can I still use it tonight? What are the rules on this
sort of thing. I am just beginning to learn how to
cook. Thanks a bunch!
Ever in doubt throw it out. A number one rule for all cooks. For future reference, always smell the meat products even before cooking it. By the time you read this you may have cooked that meat. Now, this would be a lesson learned for your effort in cooking. Never get discourage. You'll be fine. The other lesson would be is cooking that meat if it doesn't smell bad. Now, since you may not know what bad meat smells like I suggest you call the store where you brought the meat and ask. I know the meat department in all stores will give that information. I do it all the time. I been cooking for many years like 33 years and I still ask. If it don't look right than its not right. Just go to many different websites. They offer plenty of FAQ for you. You can try these ones I listed Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray, the Food connection, Discoverychannel, Food channel, Betty Crocker, Good Housekeeping, etc. Just google your questions. You can google raw meat, storage of meat, etc. Good luck and have fun with cooking...I do all the time...take care
As long as it does not have a bad odor use it, it turns a little brown because of the blood draining.
yea its prolly good just smell it and make sure it is at least a little red and not smelly
just make sure the meat is at least 165 degrees after you cook it
it should be fine though
It's fine, just because the meat turns slightly brown doesn't mean it's rancid. Two days isn't enough time for it to spoil unless you had it sitting on the kitchen counter as opposed to in the fridge.
I think it will be fine. I've used beef like that before. If it smells rotten or feels slimy throw it away. Good Luck.
as long as your beef was kept sealed it should be OK. just make sure you cook it really well. What they do is they actually add red dye to the beef to make it look more appetizing. People are not used to seeing there beef brown when they buy it so they add dye.
It should be ok as long as it doesn't smell, but cook it up tonight.
It will be just fine. It's just that the air got at it. If you don't use it today freeze it.
You'll be ok using the beef. It will not get spoiled immediately after 2 days only. Smell it first, if it has a funky odor, dont bother with it, its beter than having food poisoning. Just cook it thoroughly.