What is the longest time you've forgotten about something in the fridge?!
Answers: Any interesting science experiments in anyone's fridges out there?
i left to mexico for 4 weeks and 4-got i had a croc pot full of pot roast, when i got back black, white and green mold was all over my frig, starting at the pot(top rack) going to the bottom in the veggie cabinet. u ever see stills of a lightning strike? well it branched off like that in layers.
71 long years (my grandpa)
1 month when i was in the process of moving
I forget
about 9 months. Wrapped in tin foil?? Whatever it was it turned to slimy liquid.
7 months. mayonaise. it grew into pure fungus and reeked of the gates of Styx when opened. I will never 4get that smell. I am lucky to have survived.
Got Milk Crispy......!!!.....
2 weeks... an egg sandwich EUGH!
I once left potatos under the sink that started grwing more potatoes
probably 2 months - it was shoved in the back and we still don't know what it was. It was all green/moldy
i had to throw out egg nog today but i know all the vegies are still fresh
enough to explode the soda can :P
bout a year
I have the thingies that make yogurt... And I haven't changed the milk for months!!!
months ewwww
About 2 months -- it was a small container of yogurt that was hidden in the very back. It produced some very nice pre-penicillin!
OMG, I went to my parents house to make my dad supper last week and I pulled out a container of cheese and asked him if he wanted cheese with it and he said" I probably shouldnt " so of course I asked why and he said " that is from thanksgiving'" lol eeeeeewwwwww.
WOW, thanks for reminding me, I think I still have the ex wife in there....You did not hear that!!!
judging by the smell in the fridge on our floor... I think this building was built in 1932,... so shortly after that. Its nasty
2 months, when I went on holiday. Needless to say, my fridge had its own eco-system developing once I returned.
Im sure im yet to find something ;)
I have a roommate that tends to put uncovered food in the fridge and forget about it for months. I suppose I could be a little more compulsive about cleaning it out, but I was blessed/cursed with curiosity.
I don't know how long it was in there because I couldn't tell what it was. It was a mystery pack and it was warm too, you know it was bad!!
idk its probably still in there
3 years (It was some wassobi left in our fridge)
oh my gosh, i've not checked my fridge for out of date stuff for ages - better go and do it!
left milk in fridge for 3 months..
left a big brick of cheese in fridge for a year and a half.. thought to myself hey as long as its in the frige its gonna be fine..NOPE cleaned the fridge out last week and found it molding away.. NICE GOIN HUH ?
Fruity Popsicles, 8-9 months old...
The red cherry flavored ones were dark purple and the texture was slimy, The Blue raspberry ones were Turquoise and slimy, The Orange were reddish brown and cracked and the Purple grape was brown and slimy...
Left it so long I forgot what it was...it was unidentifiable...unfortunately it happens...=(
I left it in there long enough for it to sprout arms and legs, knock on the door from the inside, and ask to be able to leave!