Is there really a big difference between regular and organic foods, makeup, cleaning products?!
Answers: It just seems like a bigger deal than it is
If you mean a difference in the final product, than most people can not tell the difference until a few months of use. The big difference is all the steps that product went through before you bought it, and how its long term use is going to affect you.
Organic products
A) Reduce your exposure to toxins like pesticides and petroleum products
B) Are usually produced in a more sustainable method, i.e. sustainable small farms produce a lot of organic produce, whereas your supermarket varieties come from huge, corporate owned, synthetically fertilized monocultures.
C) Give the health benefit of more nutritius food and more gentle products for your face, your clothes, etc. My eco-clear detergent never makes me itchy, and my organic face moisturizer is improving my skin every day. "Research in the USA and Denmark has revealed that organic foods have an 87% higher nutrient content, specifically magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron and copper, than chemically grown food..."
D) Many organics are available locally which reduces the "miles" on the products you buy. I love buying something from a nearby farm, it makes me feel more connected to what I'm eating.
There are many more advantages, and no disadvantages that I can think of. The cost is the only current drawback, but that will come down as organics become more of the "norm."
It's not that people make a "big deal" out of it (it's ad agencies that are capitalizing on the word "organic" that are doing that), it's just that people who have chosen an organic lifestyle have usually done so because they see how all these things I've listed are interconnected, and we want to consume things in a way that will leave resources for future generations.