Why dose a round pizza come in a square box?!
Answers: I mean really people come on why is this so?
thants a really good question..hmmm...i dont know, i never thought of that b4.Creative Brain
Try to imagine how you'd make a round cardboard box cheaply, and you'll have your answer!
cheaper to make....a round box is harder and more expensive to make
and it wouldnt fit in a triangle box would it...lol
Cuz maybe its cheaper for companies to make square boxes rather than circular boxes. Plus it fits better in your fridge and other places!
It is easier for the machines to make a square box than a round one. And if you cut it to a round the extra board would be wasted anyway.
Square boxes are easier to make, ship and store flat. Round boxes typically have to be pre-made and are more bulky to transport.
Circular pizza is easier to make and cut into slices.
Wow, I just read this one today in 'Do Ants Have ****.holes?' In the 2nd World War pizza delivery men could stay out at night so the hid guns in them - garlic bread was the tommy gun and I forget the rest.
It is probably just easier to fold a square that it would be to shape a circle. Squares are easily stackable so storing them until they were used would be helpful to the pizza shop also.
Sorry, I'm really not up to it. I have answered this question 6 times in the past two weeks. I will sign off for a while.
It just dose. I dont know??
Yes I agree
most people have a hard time closing a square box .imagine trying to close a round box? also its more cost effective to make square boxes anyway.
Have you ever tried to fold a round box into shape? Not easy!
cause they don't make square pizza's
The corners are there so's you can get yur hand in, simple.
I think its because its harder to make a round box, and also, they might be weird to carry...
Think about it... how easy would it be to get a slice out when there is no room to stick your finger in... but i think a better question would be "Why don't they make a square pizza and put it in a round box???"
Why do round doughnuts come in a square box?
not sure but what if a square pizza comes in a circular box.oh aperently someone took my answer
a square box is cheaper to make than a round one... and then if you have a square box you can put extra sauce in a container in the corners...
The corners give you space to get a hold of it to get it out
Round box - expensive.
Square box - cheap.
Have you actually ever tried to make a round box?