When is Cloned Meat Scheduled to be on the Market?!
Answers: I'd like to set my date for going vegetarian ...
Its not yet, but they wouldnt tell us anyways.
Not until they get sued.
its not. the FDA didnt approve it. it might later on in certain restaurants.
seriously.....don't you know its already been on the menu .... they've been serving it at schools since 2000.
It probably is on the market in Other Worlds, just not the USA.
And I'll be joining you. That is so frickin' weird! :(
Cloned meat will not be on the market soon. Too expensive. Cloning of animals will be used for breeding stock.
I hope you are enjoying an apple from a cloned tree though.
Personally I look forward to the day when meat is grown without animals, muscle cells can be grown in a tank of nutrients, no animals need be killed. But then all the vegetarians and vegans would have to find another reason for me to be evil. So I will just eat my bacon and eggs now.