What's wrong with cloned animals?!
Answers: I personally have no qualms (yet) about meat from the posterity of cloned animals. What I do know is that it is uneconomical to clone then slaughter, and that the meat industry would use the best induviduals to breed. What are the pros and cons?
The meat industry DOES already use cloned animals for breeding, and so does the dairy industry. They've been doing it for a while. Most of us have probably already eaten animals from a cloned line or used dairy products from a cloned line. Cloning is just another way to select superior stock for meat or dairy production. Heretofore that selection process was done (less efficiently) by husbandry.
There is no scientific reason to believe that there is anything unhealthy about these products, and since we've probably all used them, we are all evidence of that.
Ah, but scientific illiteracy abounds, doesn't it?
if they touch each other they create a tear in the space time continueum
i agree. clone a cow from the best meat and boom. cheap filet for everybody.
the meat would be identical, and the cost excessive. much cheaper to reproduce the good ol'fashion way.
it's new, and creepy. so sci-fi like.
It is simply political. Religious leaders do not wish to promote anything that involves altering the "hand of god"
could be we won't know that something is wrong until years later after we eat it then where would we be?
And even if they are cloned you would still have to feed it to get it to butchering size. Pretty much what farmers have been doing for centuries. What is the point?
just think of it.
you know how we have had all these recalls? what if one cow got sick, then got cloned. That makes 2 cows that are sick, which doubles the chances of us getting sick
Well...cloning could be a useful medical technology down the road...but right now, we really don't know enough about it to get it right in the first place. Most of the animals that have been cloned end up dying due to genetic or medical problems. Would you really want to eat a piece of meat knowing that we don't really know how to clone and produce a healthy animal?
I'm not really sure how I feel about it for the purpose of the food industry.
I believe the biggest concern is that we really do not know. Brings to mind, Dr. Frankenstein, "Soylent Green" & "The Island of Dr. M..."
People have been eating basically the same food for ages. Granted, there has been breeding & hybrid experiments but only recently has there been DNA mixing of species (i.e. pig DNA in vegetables). And ask Britain about "Mad Cow."
I feel it's criminal not to label such items.